First, I was nervous. Before Deborah talked to me, I had to take many deep breaths. Who knew how many people were listening to this radio talk show? Deborah was really interested in my blog. She was happy that I wrote about taking care of the earth. She said she recycled as well. After the interview got going, I was happy when suddenly my nerves disappeared.
Deborah asked many questions about my blog. For instance, she asked me what I was hoping the blog would lead to. I told her that I hoped it would add up to a college scholarship at M.I.T. University, so I could become an exceptional architect. She was so impressed she couldn't believe I was only ten years old. After the interview, I was scared what people would think and I hoped the interview would advertise the Lae Lae books more. My mommy said I did a great job and she was proud of me. It had been a fun experience!
Doing the interview was awesome. It let me practice calming my nerves and the questions helped me think more about what I want to do in life. It was a terrific learning experience. Mommy videotaped me talking on camera. I think I look nervous, but I started having fun. You can watch the video below. Or you can check out the original recording on Blog Talk Radio. Bye!