When I asked my Mommy to make a dinner plan she suggested spaghetti and meatballs. I was a little hesitant because I wanted to do an ethnic meal and I thought spaghetti and meatballs was too easy. I decided to do it because I thought it might be harder to make than I think. I was right.
The recipe I got from my Mommy was supposed to be an "easy" version. It was harder than I thought. A few times I didn't know what the recipe was saying to do, like sauteing, which is a way of cooking food. I started to get the hang of it. I had to saute onions and bell pepper and garlic together in a pan with olive oil. I felt like I was the boss of the kitchen.
I had to mix stuff like eggs, breadcrumbs, the sauteed vegetables, and spices together with the ground beef. We made jumbo cheesy meatballs (the sizes of small oranges) that were stuffed with mozzarella cheese inside them and we baked them in the oven until they were done. When I was done making them, I started on the sauce. It was much easier than I thought it would be. We make our sauce from scratch mixing ingredients together and letting it simmer a long time.
Soon it was time for dinner and I was nervous to see how the family liked my food. To my relief, it was a success and everybody liked it! I was ready to make another meal. I like cooking because I've been helping my Mommy in the kitchen since I was very young. Though your parents might not want you to do that much in the kitchen right now, ask them if you can help out when they are cooking. There might be a stirring, mixing, or washing vegetables job you can do. And always remember two of the most important rules when cooking: keep good hygiene (wash your hands and don't put them near your face), and clean as you go so there's not a big mess at the end! Thanks for reading. Bye!
P.S. Here's the link to the recipe for Jumbo Cheesy Meatballs.