Mother Earth Day is like a birthday for Earth, and what's at every birthday party? A cake. We made earth cakes. Here's our special recipe:
* Wet earth the consistency of thick mud.
* Put a few handfuls of mud onto a paper plate and mold into the shape of a cake.
* Find twigs, leaves, acorns, empty snail shells, and any other natural stuff from your backyard to decorate the mud. If the mud is beginning to dry, wet the soil by dripping water onto the top to keep it moist while you apply the things you've collected.
* Place your cake somewhere special in your yard and watch it crumble back into the ground. When it does, you'll know that's when Mother Earth has eaten her cake!
Before you run outside and get your clothes dirty and have a great time making the cake, here's a few fun facts about Earth Day. The year 2013 makes the 43rd Earth Day celebration. This year more than a billion people in 192 countries participated in celebrating Earth Day. Did you know there are actually two Earth Day celebrations? One is on April 22 and one is on March 20th (the first day of spring). Who knew?
That's all. Be sure to have fun and make a terrific mess while you create your earth cake. I'm so inspired by writing this blog that I want to run outside right now and make another earth cake! Bye!