Do you like to go to the beach or the park? Well, these places are getting dirtied up because people aren’t recycling. They throw their trash on the ground instead of simply putting it in recycling bins. Never do this and always recycle.
Do you like animals as well? Well, since people normally do not recycle at the beach their trash gets washed into the sea and sometimes eaten by sea creatures. This might hurt the animals and we never want that, so remember to recycle! If you need to know what things you can recycle, show the next empty can or bottle to your mommy or daddy and ask them to show you the recycling sign. This sign means you can recycle that item. If you ever see it on something always remember to recycle the item.
If you’ve ever wondered what happens to recycled things, I can tell you. It is normally made into other cans, boxes, bottles and more, but sometimes it can be made into things like rugs and mats. Wood can even be made by recycled sawdust. It is interesting how many things can be made by recycled materials.
If you don’t have a recycling bin, ask your parents to buy one for the family. Share a few of the things I told you today with them. Who knows? Maybe you can help the world just a little bit more.
People even make art out of recycled things. Why, just the other day I made a beautiful stepping stone with recycled glass and cement with my mommy and Mimi. But always remember that if you want to do a project like this, you always have to have a grown-up with you.
Well, I must go now. Remember to always recycle. If you have any questions, remember you can always ask me online whenever you want. Who knows? Maybe we can even become writing friends! Bye!