At one point, my director had us write monologues, which were long 1-2 minutes speeches from our character's point of view. These monologues would tell us our characters favorite things, accomplishments, goals, maybe a backstory and etc. This would help us to get to know our character, help us understand what they would do or say even when they don't have a line,which is an important part of acting. When I performed my monologue for Prince Charming, my director was pleased with my work. He asked me if I wanted to perform my speech for the audience before the play started! I was elated and gladly excepted, though I was slightly nervous to think I'd be performing for two minutes straight with all eyes on me on opening night. (watch below)
We had many setbacks during this play's production. Since our school does not have a stage or auditorium, we were forced to practice the play in our school's theater classroom, which gave us very little space. Also, because of other clubs and organizations, there was rarely an occasion where everyone was at practice.
Though these setbacks discouraged us sometimes,we still managed to perform at opening night in our local high school's Preforming Arts Center. There was a big turnout. We went out with a bang. Everyone cheered and clapped when the play finished, and the cast had fun performing!
My theater group was like a second family to me, and though some of us are leaving, I will never forget the wonderful few months I had making this play happen. If you are thinking about joining theater, or even performing in a play, just comment below, I'd love to hear what you have to say! Bye!