I fed Oreo a special baby formula for puppies from a bottle that looked just like a baby's bottle. It was so cute when he scrambled to get the milk. Sometimes he would suck on my finger accidentally. It tickled and made me giggle.
After feeding him, I needed to burp him. He was very full and I didn't want him to get a tummy ache because of all the gas in his stomach. I had to put him on my shoulder and gently tap him on the back to get the gas bubbles out of his tummy. Soon, he was tired and happy.
Since Oreo was tired I had to put him to sleep, I sat on a rocking chair and rocked back and forth with him in my arms, lulling him to sleep. When he slept he kicked and growled! I guess he was having puppy dreams. It was too cute for words.
I feel that taking care of Oreo must be similar to taking care of a baby. It also reminded me of the story in the book My New Puppy, where Lae Lae learns how to take care of her puppy. I loved caring for Oreo!