I recently heard someone say that she is a climate activist because There is no plan-et B! This is our home and hopefully the home of generations to come.
Although I can't take credit for that thought, I can agree with it. So much of what is in peril in our world today is the result of our idea that we have a right to use or misuse the resources that we have been given in the belief that we have dominion over everything that we share the planet with. I am not a scientist but I know enough to understand that when we ignore the delicate balance of our world we will destroy it (and ourselves in the process).
There are so many things that we can utilize like solar, wind, hydro and wave technology that do not send pollutants into the air and add to climate warming. We have been given the wonderful capabilities and technological advances to take care of our world and enhance it positively.
Let's protect our magnificent earth and the wonderful animals, both on land and in the sea, that inhabit it with us to make a better world for our children and grandchildren and all that come afterwards!