Bees are in decline around the world because of pesticides and human destruction of habitat but a special bee is being brought back in Mexico's Yucatan peninsula. It is said that this bee with no stinger is very sensitive to inharmony and can sense the human aura. If people are angry, they fly away. Meliponas bee keeping has been a part of the Mayan culture for thousands of years. Proponents say that the honey from this bee may be better than going to a pharmacy and can cue sore throats, childhood asthma and other ailments.
For the last forty years, the Meliponas has not been seen due to the deforestation, use of pesticides and the introduction of a more aggressive European honey bee. But recently the U Yits Ka'an school of ecological agriculture has partnered with Heifer International Mexico to bring the bee back.
The project is called Kuxan Suum (The Thread of Life) and connects thirteen communities in the area through the distribution of the Meliponas bees, which restore native biodiversity, promote pollination of local flora and recover the Mayan culture. Read more about Heifer International's Mexico bee project at
Bees are an important part of the world's ecosystem and we must protect them. The Meliponas bees are a great example of a harmonious intertwining of the earth's creatures to produce a better and more productive earth for all to enjoy.